What will be the equilibrium frequency

Solution-Which is important feeding adaptation among
April 18, 2020
Current controversy in nutrition
April 18, 2020

What will be the equilibrium frequency

The gene for sickle-cell anemia exhibits heterozygote advantage. An individual who is an HB-A/HB-s heterozygote has increased resistance to malaria and therefore has greater fitness than the HB-A/HB-A homozygote, who is susceptivle to malaria, and the HB_S/HB-S, who has sickle cell.

A) Suppose that the fitness values of the genotypes are. HB-A/HB-A=.88, HB-A/HB-S=1.0, and HB-S/HB-S=.14. Give the expected equilibrium frequencies of the HB-S gene?

B) Suppose malaria is virtually eradicated and the heterozygote advantage becomes HB-A/HB-A=.99, HB-A/HB-S=1.0, and HB-S/HB-S=.14. What will be the equilibrium frequency of HB-S/HB-S?