What steps would you need to take to develop an immunohistochemical method to identify Human Papilloma Virus in Lung Cancer tissue removed from a pati

Topic: Presentation on Slavery & Migrant workers
October 1, 2020
Corporate tax : Basis rules
October 1, 2020

What steps would you need to take to develop an immunohistochemical method to identify Human Papilloma Virus in Lung Cancer tissue removed from a pati

The word limit for this dissertation is 2000 words. In addition, an abstract of up to 150 words in length should also be included.

The essay must be word processed in Microsoft Word and must be submitted via WebLearn. The assignment sections are word-limited (see below), and these word limits must be adhered to. A deadline for submission is given below and must be adhered to (penalties may be applied for late submission).

The essay must show evidence of directly addressing the question set (as opposed to answering a question you wish had been set!). Therefore, the inclusion of relevant information, but failure to structure the essay to address the question set, cannot be expected to attract a high mark. Equally the candidate cannot expect to gain credit for the inclusion of irrelevant information, which although factually correct, has not been asked for.

An abstract should be included, at the start, summarizing your essay, and should be limited to 150 words (plus up to 10% ie. 15 words; equals 165 words maximum). There are penalties for exceeding the word limit; you will be penalized by 1 mark for 1-10 words in excess of 165 words, 2 marks for an 11-20 word excess, etc, up to a maximum penalty of 5 marks. You must include a word count at the end of the abstract.

The essay itself should not exceed 2000 words (plus up to 10% ie 200 words; equals 2200 words maximum). There are penalties for exceeding the word limit; you will be penalized by 1 mark for 1-100 words in excess of 2200 words, 2 marks for a 101-200 word excess, etc, up to a maximum penalty of 5 marks. You must include a word count at the end of the essay.

The essay should include an introduction and a conclusion (within the main 2200 word limit).

Diagrams and/or tables may be included, where they are thought appropriate, and labels, diagram/table headings and any legends, are extra to the word limit.

Appropriate references must be cited in the text and must be listed at the end. General references (without specific citation) are ineligible. References to BMP111DL module lecture presentations are ineligible. References must, for the most part, come from the original literature ie refereed journals or review articles in similar journals. A high reliance on textbook citations, wikipedia and/or other un-refereed internet sources is inappropriate and will not attract high marks. References, both within the text and in the list at the end are extra to the word limit.

Figures/tables may be taken from either textbooks or original articles/reviews – whichever is the most appropriate. In all instances the figure source must be fully referenced.

Mark scheme. Marks will be allocated as follows:
Abstract: 5 marks
Introduction: 10 marks
Main text: 65 marks
Conclusion: 10 marks
References: 10 marks

Diagrams/tables, etc, are not allocated individual marks, but their appropriateness/relevance to the essay will be assessed, and this will be included in the mark for the ‘main text’