What steps do you think companies can take to improve the accuracy of their inventory management program?

Explain How economists are both scientists and policymakers and what principles society uses to allocate its scarce resources.
June 26, 2020
Explain Why would an organization care whether its supervisors speak in favor of or against union representation?
June 26, 2020

What steps do you think companies can take to improve the accuracy of their inventory management program?

Research the term inventory turnover and write a report discussing the normal inventory turnover for the following industries: 1) automobile manufacturers, 2) restaurants/hotels, and 3) retailers.In your report, discuss the following:Your paper should be 2-3 pages long, citing at least three sources, and should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course, as well as providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and the current.