What possible harm is there in portraying a reality on television that may differ significantly from what actually exists

Religion Paper
September 13, 2020
Critical perspectives on management & leadership mindmap
September 13, 2020

What possible harm is there in portraying a reality on television that may differ significantly from what actually exists

Reflect on the course reading, The Mainstreaming” of America: Violence Profile No. 11 (by George Gerbner, Larry Gross, Michael Morgan, and Nancy Signorielli) and respond to the following question in essay form:

    What possible harm is there in portraying a reality on television that may differ significantly from what actually exists?

Your response should be approximately 2- to 3-pages, double-spaced with one-inch margins (12-point font).
Use proper APA source citing format when referencing this article and any other sources you deem appropriate in the completion of this assignment.