What past and present factors could have influenced your approach to spiritual discernment

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What past and present factors could have influenced your approach to spiritual discernment

To complete this paper, download the article Discerning Spiritual Discernment: Assessing Current Approaches for Understanding God’s Will by Dennis Horton, Paper Style: APA style Times Roman 12-font:
bold and center all Level 1 headings. Include at least 3 resources in addition to Horton’s article to support your position and assertions.

My approach extends from what is known as Spiritual Discernment: Bull’s-eye approach.

Past and Present Influences (Level 1 heading)
• What past and present factors could have influenced your approach to spiritual discernment? Include family, spiritual heritage and religious background, present religious beliefs, and past experiences.
Past & Present Influences Section
• Clearly identifies past and present factors that influenced approach to spiritual discernment
• Clearly and thoroughly examines family, spiritual heritage and religious background, present religious beliefs, and past experiences

Include at least 3 other references in addiction to the Horton article.

I can send me your email address and I can upload the Horton article.