Topic: (What is the standing of the resource as compared with other academic literature dealing with learning skills?)
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2. 3.pdf 14:08 11 Aug 2011 0.21Mb
3. 4.pdf 14:08 11 Aug 2011 0.54Mb
4. 5.pdf 14:08 11 Aug 2011 0.34Mb
5. Assignment_1.docx 14:08 11 Aug 2011 0.02Mb
6. 6.pdf 14:08 11 Aug 2011 0.2MbPreferred language style: English (U.K.)please use only the 6 references that I will send it to you.I will send 6 articles. please make sure you will only use my articles at this assignment also i will give you some information about the topic