What is the genotype of the f1 hybrid

Solution-What is the overall hypothesis of this experiment
May 2, 2020
Hypothetical population gene pool problem
May 2, 2020

What is the genotype of the f1 hybrid

One of a farmer’s more exotic Indian corn cobs has three different kernel colors (Tricolor Corn?). These cobs were easy to obtain. The farmer crosses parent 2 (Yellow Shrunken) with parent 4; both are true breeding. The seed from this cross are then used to grow a second generation of maize plants (F1 hybrids). The F1 hybrid plants are selfed and the cobs that result from this selfing are the Tricolor Corn cobs that he sells.

Phenotype of kernel used to grow Parent 4: White
All kernels from the Parent 2 and Parent 4 cross are Purple.

One inquisitive customer counted all the kernels on one Tricolor cob and found there were, 114 yellow, 152 white and 342 purple kernels; a ratio of 3:4:9.

What is the genotype of the F1 hybrid (hint: there are two genes)?