What is the genic heterozygosity of howdyburger population

Graduate level leadership and ethics course
April 27, 2020
Solution-Identify structures and functions of the main
April 27, 2020

What is the genic heterozygosity of howdyburger population

You sample a population of Salmonella typhimurium from a popular local hamburger joint Howdyburger. You find 9 isolates (clones) that are resistant to the antibiotics ampicillin and kanamycin, 32 isolates that are resistant to amipicillin but susceptible to kanamycin, and 51 isolates that are susceptible to both antibiotics. What is the frequency of each of the three genotypes in the Howdyburger population? What is the genic heterozygosity of the Howdyburger population?