What is meant by the term ‘democratic recession’ and is the world currently witnessing an era of democratic decline?

Managerial Decision Making Assignment
June 13, 2020
Evaluate the Components of a Successful IMC Program
June 13, 2020

What is meant by the term ‘democratic recession’ and is the world currently witnessing an era of democratic decline?

Topic: What is meant by the term ‘democratic recession’ and is the world currently witnessing an era of democratic decline?

Order Description
Response to the question must have an argument

Things to consider –
• Define “democratic recession” note: there is no official
definition and so it will be necessary for you to define this term
according to your argument or to use one developed by a
scholar (but be prudent and sensible)
• You do not need to defend democracy, nor do you need to
explain in intricate detail what it is. But you do need to be
clear about your reasons for thinking it is or it is not in recession
• You may need to limit the scope of your argument to either
established democracies or newly emerging democracies but
not both necessarily. However, it will be important to make this
clear in the introduction.
+) At least 8 references.