What is Democratic Equality?

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August 12, 2020
Submit a written report that covers both of the portfolio building leadership skill- building exercises.
August 12, 2020

What is Democratic Equality?

Order DescriptionThere are two parts to the Final Paper. Part 1, is based only on the book: A Theory of Justice by John Rawls, and the Part 2 is based on the first book and on: Political Liberalism by John Rawls.Part 1:
1A) What is Democratic Equality?1B) What are the two principles of Justice? What is the reasoning behind the parties in the original position that, according to Rawls, would lead then to choose Justice as Fairness?Part 2:
2A) What is the distinction between a comprehensive doctrine and a political conception?2B) Two types of comprehensive doctrines: Reasonable and Unreasonable, expand on them.2C) Distinguish Pluralism from reasonable pluralism?2D) What is the overlapping consensus? How does it answer the questions about stability for a liberal constitutional democracy?
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