What fraction of total dna the target sequence constitute

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April 20, 2020
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April 21, 2020

What fraction of total dna the target sequence constitute

Q1. Gaining and losing weight are matters of caloric accounting: Calories in the food you eat minus Calories that you spend in activity. One pound of human body fat contains approximately 3,500 Calories. Evaluate various ways you could burn off that many Calories. How far would you have to run, swim, or walk to burn the equivalent of 1 pound of fat? For how much time would you have to do each activity? Which technique of burning Calories appeals the most to you? The least?

Q2. The genome of virus SV40 is a circular double-stranded DNA molecule 5 kb long. A 1 kb region is amplified by PCR for four cycles. What fraction of total DNA does the target sequence constitute?