What fraction of males and females are expected

Hello    I need this essay done in 12 hours    the poetry is The Lost Pilot   https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems-and
April 25, 2020
Hector believes his co-worke
April 25, 2020

What fraction of males and females are expected

Color blindness in humans is an X-linked recessive trait. 10 % of the males of a large randomly mating population are color-blind. A representative group of 1000 from this population migrate to a South Pacific island, where there are already 1000 inhabitants, and where 30% of males are color-blind. Assuming that Hardy-Weinberg conditions apply throughout, what fraction of males and females are expected to be color-blind in the generation immediately following the arrival of the immigrants (assume populations consist 50% of males and 50% females).