What effect do birds have on available phosphorus content in soil? Bibliographic paragraphs
Order Description
Bibliographic paragraphs
Value: 25%
Length: 500 words or less
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EASTS (online)
For this assignment you will write two paragraphs on the topic identified below. You are provided with four scientific articles from which you are to source your information. You may source other references on the topic if you wish. The paragraphs should be written as though they form part of a larger bibliographic essay (see discussion of what a bibliographic essay is the instructions for Assignment 3) and this will provide you with feedback and assistance with the larger assignment 3. Paragraphs need to be well structured and use of the literature to discuss the topic is a key requirement of the assignment. The marking rubric below provides more detail on what is required for this assignment.
(Please note: in previous years some students have misunderstood these instructions and have tried to write a mini essay with an introduction, discussion and conclusion. This is not the point of this assignment. The idea is to get some feedback on paragraph construction, referencing and other writing techniques that will help you with Assignment 3. Hence you are just to write 2 paragraphs as though they formed part of the body of a larger report. If you are in any way unsure of what is required please contact Ben).
Assignment topic
What effect do birds have on available phosphorus content in soil?
Links that I will attach as the files:
D.A. Wait, D.P. Aubrey, W.B. Anderson, Seabird guano influences on desert islands: soil chemistry and herbaceous species richness and productivity, Journal of Arid Environments, Volume 60, Issue 4, March 2005, Pages 681-695.
Slawomir Ligeza, Halina Smal, Accumulation of nutrients in soils affected by perennial colonies of piscivorous birds with reference to biogeochemical cycles of elements, Chemosphere, Volume 52, Issue 3, July 2003, Pages 595-602
Henrik Breuning-Madsen, Camilla Bloch Ehlers, Ole K. Borggaard, The impact of perennial cormorant colonies on soil phosphorus status, Geoderma, Volume 148, Issue 1, 30 November 2008, Pages 51-54
Mulder, C.P.H., Keall, S.N. Burrowing seabirds and reptiles: Impacts on seeds, seedlings and soils in an island forest in New Zealand (2001) Oecologia, 127 (3), pp. 350-360.