What does Rowlandsons narrative reveal about Native American attitudes toward the European settlers?

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July 20, 2020
Social Performance
July 20, 2020

What does Rowlandsons narrative reveal about Native American attitudes toward the European settlers?

Objective: You should strive to demonstrate your comprehension of and critical thinking about this lessons readings not only on an individual basis, but also as they intersect with one another. What trends can you identify that emerge in more than one of the readings? What elements of each text make it unique in comparison with the others? Finally, what does each text, individually and in relation with others, tell us about the particular historical moment from which it emerges? Specifications: Students will be assessed on the style, content, and grammatical and mechanical correctness of their answers. The style should be direct yet fluid, using strong, active verbs, transitions, and strategic repetition of key concepts to promote readability. Content should demonstrate comprehension of and critical thinking about assigned texts, including possible implications and connections with other course texts. Mechanical and grammatical correctness will be assessed according to principles of standard academic English. Format: Use 12 point Times New Roman font. Double-space the entire document, and insert 1 extra blank line between answers. Use the view menu on your word processing software to open the header field of the document, and then insert a header consisting of your last name and the page number right-aligned in the header field. DO NOT simply type the page number! Instead, use the header toolbar button called insert page #. Close the header field, and in the body field of the document include a heading that contains your name, your instructors name, course information, and the date, each on a separate line and left-aligned at the top of the body field. Title the document with the lesson title (i.e. Lesson 1, Lesson 2, etc.) and center the title. DO NOT insert extra blank lines between the heading and the title or between the title and your first answer. Left align answers and clearly number each answer using the number from the question with which it corresponds. You do not need to retype the questions. Be sure to use MLA conventions for formatting quotations and citing sources. Answer each question fully, using examples from the text(s) where appropriate and explaining the relevance of each example to the question at hand. Answers should be a minimum of one well-developed paragraph but no more than 1 page in length. Questions: Question 1 How does the Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson demonstrate Puritan theology and thinking at work? Question 2 In what ways does Rowlandson use her experience to reaffirm Puritan beliefs? How does she view herself and her fellow Christians? How does she see the Indians? What do her dehumanizing descriptions of the Indians accomplish? Question 3 How does Rowlandson use the Bible and varied scriptural allusions in her analysis of her captivity and restoration? Question 4 What does Rowlandsons narrative reveal about Native American attitudes toward the European settlers? What reasons does it reveal for those attitudes?