What does it take to raise a succesful child? Is it the be the best at everything or you’re nothing approach that chinese mothers” take?

Homepage of John Jay College of Criminal Justice     
July 5, 2020
George Aslop,
July 5, 2020

What does it take to raise a succesful child? Is it the be the best at everything or you’re nothing approach that chinese mothers” take?

What does it take to raise a succesful child? Is it the be the best at everything or you’re nothing approach that chinese mothers take? Or, is it the let your children roam free and express themselves and they will eventually find their way approach that western mothers prefer? There are multiple differences between the two styles that make it hard to determine which one is superior.  If you want your child to succeed, Amy Chua’s approach would be your best bet.

According to Amy Chua’s article, To get good at anything you have to work, and children on their own never want to work, which is why it is crucial to override their preferences .(Chua) Practice makes perfect, right? If you were forced to play the piano for 8 hours a day you would probably master it in a short amount of time, thus resulting in you being succesful in playing the piano. The chinese mother way is full proof. Absolutely no failure is allowed or can be tolerated. All the yelling, fussing, and anger that you go through failing at something goes away once you finally accomplish your goal in the end. Hard work pays off. You can’t waste time on worrying about hurting your childrens self-esteem because they’re going to experience that through out their entire life, even in adulthood.