. What does a t test measure? In what sense is a sample s variance a biased estimate of the variance of a population from which the sample is taken?

Organization of a Health Care Facility
July 13, 2020
Select at least two specific examples of cultural bias, prejudice, stereotyping,
July 13, 2020

. What does a t test measure? In what sense is a sample s variance a biased estimate of the variance of a population from which the sample is taken?

. What does a t test measure?

In what sense is a sample s variance a biased estimate of the variance of a population from which the sample is taken?

What does the term degrees of freedom mean?

Please provide an original example of when you would use a t test for a single sample (AKA one sample t test).

Response must be at least 200 words
2. What specific distribution is used as the comparison distribution when performing a t test for independent means?

What is the pooled estimate of the population variance and why do we use it?

What are the assumptions of the t test for independent means?

Please provide an original example of when you would use a t test for independent means.

Response must be at least 200 words
3. What is the theory underlying ANOVA?

In ANOVA, what does F = 1 mean, specifically?

What are the differences between two sample t test (AKA independent samples t test) and ANOVA hypothesis testing?

Please give an example of when you would use an ANOVA (doesn t matter which kind, for those of you who know there is more than one type of ANOVA).

Response must be at least 200 words