What do you think will finally kill off COBOL and make it a dead language

Quality Evolution
July 6, 2020
Critical Response
July 6, 2020

What do you think will finally kill off COBOL and make it a dead language

CIS 319 Week 3 DQ 1,DQ 2,DQ 3 and DQ 4

If an IT Department never failed on an ‘inhouse IT business application software development project,’ is that a good thing, or a bad thing?

What do you think will finally kill off COBOL and make it a dead language? It has been around for 50 years. Do you think it will still be around another 50 years? Do you think it will still be around in another 20 years? Java, a more recent programming language — do you think it will still be around in 50 years, or that it will have the staying power of COBOL? (Remember that there are other languages that have come and gone in this 50 year period.)

You will probably need to do a little reading on the Internet to gather enough background to respond to this questionbe careful though as to what sources you look at. Blogs are not always a reliable source of information.

Based on Dunn’s (2008) article, explain how your computer’s operating system and various installed programs might slow down your computer.

Based on Seltzer (2008), why is it important today to have data storage and retrieval functions built into applications? How do mobile computers affect databases today?