Order DescriptionThe HIPAA security standards govern electronic protected health information (ePHI) that is maintained or transmitted electronically. Some specifications are required, while others are addressable. Refer to the 4 Safeguards sections within the HIPAA Security Rule: the Administrative Safeguards; the Physical Safeguards; the Technical Safeguards; and the Policies, Procedures, and Documentation section that can be found in Chapter 11 (file uploaded). 1. Summarize the intention of 4 Safeguards sections in your own words. 2. What do you think is the underlying issue that led to the development of each section? What are the problems, management dilemmas, or concerns that each addresses? 3. Identify 1 way that the Security Rule is too restrictive for organizations and 1 way in which it is too general. How would you modify the rule to be more appropriate? Note: Do not write introduction & conclusion. Answer in your own words or paraphrase your work. You can research on the Internet or books/journals & you can add additional references.
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