What do you predict for your bacteria in the future

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What do you predict for your bacteria in the future

To review a specific bacterial species (i.e, bacillus subtilis, escherichia coli) using a
scientific and technical writing style. The author can review the general aspects of the
bacteria, or the author may chose to write about their bacteria in a specific context
(including, but not limited to: human health, science research, medicine, in the
environment, epidemics/pandemics, industry use [energy producers, waste decomposers],
non-human health).
Student will choose any bacteria to describe its cellular structures (gram reaction,
molecular characteristics, motile structures, reproduction, spore production, etc).
Additionally, you may choose to include environmental and nutritional preferences,
evolutionary history, and/or human diseases associated with the bacteria. What you
include or not will all depend on your topic.
The author will write no more than 5 pages, double-spaced, Times Roman 12 point font,
1 inch margins (generally the default setting). The reference section (works’ cited and
notes) does not contribute to the page limit. If you wish to add an image, you may attach
the figure to the last, and also will not contribute to the page allowance.
The title should be in bold 12-point Times Roman typeface at the top of the first page.
The title should concisely describe your paper. If you are writing a general review paper,
as opposed to a specific objective, you may use a title like:
 In review: Escherichia coliABSTRACT
An abstract is a shortened version of the entire paper. Since you only have 5 pages
double spaced, your abstract will roughly be ¾ of a page. An abstract will offer highlights
of your paper: name of bacteria, pathogen/symbiont with mammals (humans, wildlife,
etc), endogenous environment, diet, associated diseases, available treatment for such
diseases, industrial benefits (bacteria used in scientific research, energy production,
decomposers for waste, probiotics). Basically, concisely describe what makes your
bacteria significant.
About 1 – 2 pages that acts as the main body of the paper. Here, the author reports the
basic features, functions and context of your bacteria. This is the place where you
unpackage your concise highlights (from the Abstract), and discuss these ideas more
deeply. Remember, each paragraph is a new topic. I would suggest to write an outline
FIRST for this section especially. I would also suggest to write this section first.
A short section written technically, concisely and directly, which describe the laboratory
experiments required to isolate and identify your bacteria. Don’t worry if it sounds weird
to you. Do not write in a passive voice (Passive: One could isolate Direct: One
isolates ). Here is an example of what this writing normally:
In order to isolate and identify Escherichia coli, one must streak for isolation. Streak
sample on a EMB agar plate at 37C overnight, and restreak the dark green colonies on
another EMB agar plate overnight (1). Next, we perform a set of biochemical assays to
definitively identify E. coli [so on, and so on].

The discussion is where the author gets to interpret and further analyze data concerning
the main objectives. For this paper, I want you to be creative.
ANSWER THIS QUESTION HERE: What do you predict for your bacteria in the future?
Answers will vary wildly between the students writing about the same bacteria, because
there are many answers. You may suggest ideas like: There is enough evidence to
suggest that E. coli will become a hallmark probiotic for the health industry. Then
expound on why that statement is true. If you are writing about a pathogen, you maychoose to discuss the future drug research for your bacteria. As long as you can logically
support your ideas, be creative!
Citing where the author retrieved information is a critical aspect of peer-reviewed
literature. For this assignment, you should have NO LESS than 8 citations. As previously
discussed, the citation format for this paper is AAAS Science. This citation format is a
popular choice amongst some scientists because of its concise structure. Consult the
following link if you are need more information about the reference style:
Example of citations used in the Method (see above) and Notes sections (see below):
1. Trepta RW, SC Edberg, J. Clin. Microbiol. 19, 172-174 (1984).
2. This is how notes are added in Science format. I could talk forever and ever here,
and it does not add to my page count. However, each note must be on topic. Like, I
can’t start talking about how much I don’t like paying for a monthly MTA pass here. I
would have to add another note in the context of MTA passes.
3. MTA, MetroCard: Fares at A Glance; see
http://web.mta.info/nyct/fare/FaresatAGlance.htm, (2013).
4. I hate spending $112 a month for the unlimited pass. Pure raw hate.
If you would like to include additional information, like a footnote, you can add a note
within your works cited page. This is great because a note does not add to your page
limit because the actual note is located in the works’ cited section. Reference notes
citations are added into the paper just like all other citations (2).