You are doing a PCR that requires 1.6ng of DNA in 2uL of sample. You have 100uL of stock DNA with a concentration of 4ng/ul. Using reasonable pipetting volumes (ex. don’t use too much of your sample but don’t pipette an unreasonably small volume), how would you dilute your stock DNA sample to meet this criteria? Use the procedure in Exercise #3; show all formulae, variables, units and calculations.
What is a multiplex PCR? What differs in this reaction from a traditional PCR?
How are PCR products fluorescently labelled in the Identifiler Kit? Name four dyes used in this kit and their corresponding colours.
What standard is used during electropherogram interpretation to determine the size (in bp) of a peak given its electrophoretic mobility?
What reference standard is used during electropherogram interpretation to score alleles given the size of a DNA fragment?
Define incomplete 3′ addition. How does this appear on an electropherogram?
What causes stutter? In the Identifiler kit, what is the most common size difference (in bp) between the true allele and the resulting stutter product? What does this difference represent?