What Claim can you make about the State of Marriage Today?

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What Claim can you make about the State of Marriage Today?

Marriage is a voluntary union between a woman and a man. The ultimate objective of marriage is to creating a family. Children immortalize marriage. As the human beings evolve, marriage institutions have remained serene and firm. For many centuries, marriage has confirmed to be the locus of love and happiness through its deep roots in integrity and loyalty. It is a standard factor that has the power of bringing all kind of races together through interracial marriage.

In the modern era, marriage cannot be considered a relative novelty as said. It has united both the whites and blacks thus minimizing racism which has been a menace across the globe. Testimonies of people from different countries getting married are observed in the recent decade. Couples practicing interracial marriage have been accepted by their families as compared to past decade where they were rejected.

In recent years, marriage has changed at a rapid rate compared to the previous years. The traditional perception of marriage has now become a forgotten factor by modern humanity. This does not mean that people are abandoning the entire marriage idea. Modern humanity has come up with laws that have altered the real objective of marriage. The traditional marriage encouraged marriage because it was essential in child up-bring. Newly formed families maintained harmony to ensure happy marriage. Laws implemented are in support of divorce, same sex marriage, and polygamy.

Divorce is legal and socially acceptable. The laws have made marriage become a lifestyle rather that a necessity. Because human beings are social mobile, most of them are adopting the divorce trend. A slight disagreement that could be resolved by a couple can now lead to divorce. According to statistics, the number of couples divorcing is increasing raising fear among the single ladies and gentlemen. Divorce leads to single parenthood which in most cases brings effects of incomplete personality to the children (Bruce and Keith 27).

Same sex marriage is now a legal act. Homosexuals and lesbians have been given an opportunity to enjoy marriage benefits in a legal sense. Compared to tradition marriage institutes which rejected this kind of marriage, modern marriage believes it is legitimate (Newton 4). They are now taking up their rights and increasing their marriage numbers. They are happy that societies recognize their existence. They have now been branded to have value in the society. According to Newton, efforts of religious leaders to fight against this act have been grounded by the laws implemented by states (4).

Polygamy is an act that has increased in the modern marriage. Ideologically, monogamy has been a suitable marriage practice since the beginning of marriage idea. It is morally acceptable. Polygamy can be considered as adultery. Polygamy is the cause of many cases of divorce and disagreement in marriage. Polygamy has increase because it has been legalized by law. Couples are encouraged to uphold exclusively monogamous relationships (Burton and Jacobson 132).

As human beings evolve, the gap between the traditional and modern era of marriage is becoming wide. The aim of getting married is fading away. The new generation is coming up with laws that favor their interests. Marriage solutions reached by couples in the society say that it is an act that should no longer mean one thing. The laws implemented are to be in favor of those who feel they are grounded by the society.

Works Cited

Amato, Paul and Keith Bruce. “ Parental Divorce and the Well-Being of Children: A Meta-Analysis” Psychological Bulletin 110. 1(1991): 26-46. Print.

Jacobson, Cardell and Burton Lara.Modern Polygamy in the United States: Historical, Culture and Legal Issues.New York: Oxford University Press, 2011. Print.

Newton, David. Same- Sex Marriage: A Reference Handbook. California: ABC-CLIO publishers, 2010. Print.

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