What challenges do women from collectivist cultures face when they seek help to escape from family violence? Academic Essay

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What challenges do women from collectivist cultures face when they seek help to escape from family violence? Academic Essay

Proposed Methodology – Outline

Context and research question
A brief summary of the core findings(3-4 sentence) from the literature review. E.g In collectivist culture, divorce is perceived as a dishonour to the family. Divorced women labelled as a disgraceful by their family. Current intervention for family violence is developed in a way that suits to individualist culture. It favours enforcing legal response such as applying protection order and divorce to resolve problem. There is issue and dilemma in implying this into collectivist culture where using legal response is the least favoured.

Research question: What challenges do women from collectivist cultures face when they seek help to escape from family violence?
Definition for key terms from research question
Women from collectivist culture – refer to articles used for literature review.
Family Violence –
Help – social welfare service for family violence, legal service(look for Family Violence service system in Australia)

(You have to use reference for defining terms)

Exploratory design
Define exploratory design(Neuman 2004)
When does exploratory design is appropriate
Why is it appropriate to my proposal.

Type of data: Qualitative data
What is qualitative data?
When does it used? – link to exploratory design
Explain why i am using qualitative data

Sampling: non-probability sampling and accidental sampling
What is non-probability sampling and accidental sampling?
When does it used?
Why it is appropriate to my proposal
Provide example: 20 women who used social welfare and legal service for family violence issue.
Recruitment strategies: Recruit service users from relevant organisations (Provide relevant organisations in Melbourne).
Data collection methods: in-depth interview
Define it
Justify it
Apply – provide examples of questions; How do they define family violence? Do they identify themselves from collectivist culture? What did they experience when they look for help? What were their concerns? Were their family supportive? Etc.

Ethical processes and issues (Refer to AASW code of Ethics 2012 and National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research)
What ethical process and issues do we need to consider for this research?
Informed consent (refer to Section 2 and 3 in National statement) – make relation to recruitment strategies.
Relate ethical issues or concerns to values of AASW code of Ethics

Data Analysis strategy: Thematic analysis(Refer to masterclass 5)

-What is thematic analysis?

– When does it used? –

-Why is it appropriate for study – relate reasoning to the methodology.

– Demonstrate steps in withdrawing meaning of qualitative data that is collected from participants.

Informing social work
An outline of how findings from the proposed study may be used by social worker in Monash Oakleigh legal service(Look up on website)
Inform distinct aspects of social work practice in this organisation (AASW code of ethics e.g culturally sensitive practice etc).
Use content of 7 lessons from Morton, Phipps and Nutley 2012 in explaining how you would use to improve the use of this research.(present at least 3 lessons).

To give better understanding, here is my observation as a social worker in Monash Oakleigh legal service(My role in this organisation is mostly interviewing and counselling clients and making a referral for clients needs)

Monash-Oakleigh Legal Service (MOLS) is a community legal centre which provides free advice and assistance in relation to a range of areas of law to members of the community. Family law is one of areas of law that MOLS practises.

During my placement in Monash Oakleigh Legal Service, numbers of women from diverse cultural background asked for legal advice or assistance for divorce. Some women were victims of family violence and some women were non-victims.

I observed that non-white women tend to hesitate in making decision of divorce than white women. There was one Indian woman who opened up about reason for her hesitation in deciding divorce. When this woman told her intention to divorce to members of her family, they were not supportive and against her divorce due to cultural issues. In the social work student team meeting, I shared this case of Indian woman and I found white social work colleagues did not much aware of perception of divorce in collectivist culture.

I concerned that lack of awareness in cultural differences in social workers, legal practitioner, family violence worker or family mediator in western country may disadvantage women from collectivist country in accessing appropriate and customized support from them.

-reflection on what you have learnt about the relationship between social work research and social work practice and the implication for this knowledge.

– What you have learned

– What does this learning mean?

– what now for future learning?

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Posted on May 13, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions