What are the responsibilities of your current (or most recent) employer with regard to the Family and Medical Leave Act?

October 15, 2020
Religious studies
October 15, 2020

What are the responsibilities of your current (or most recent) employer with regard to the Family and Medical Leave Act?

What are the responsibilities of your current (or most recent) employer with regard to the Family and Medical Leave Act?

Please submit your assignment

I work for the Department of defense and our policy is below:

Entitles eligible employees to use a
total of 12 administrative workweeks
of unpaid leave during any 12-month
period for specified family and
medical needs with guaranteed return
to same or equivalent position.
Employees may substitute accrued or
accumulated annual or sick leave,
advanced annual or sick leave, or
donated leave for unpaid leave. For
family medical emergencies
employees may substitute only the
amount of sick leave as described in
Columns C and D.
Entitles full-time employees to
use up to a maximum of 12
administrative work weeks
(480 hours) of sick leave per
year to care for a family
member with a serious health
condition. The amount of
leave for part-time employees
and those with uncommon
tours of duty is prorated.
Entitles a full-time employee
to use up to 13 days (104
hours) of sick leave per leave
year for family care or
bereavement. The amount of
leave for part-time employees
and those with uncommon
tours of duty is prorated.
Coverage Regular full-and part-time Army
NAF employees.
All permanent (regular) employees
and temporary employees (who are
on appointments of more than one
year) and have completed at least 12
months of service. Does not apply to
those on intermittent (or flexible)
employment without a regularly scheduled tour of duty.

Since I can”t take the policy and submit it, what am I supposed to do with it?