What are the most important natural resources in this region? What are the patterns of precipitation in this region? Where does the population live? W

Topic: Le Collectionist Brand Assessment
September 15, 2020
September 15, 2020

What are the most important natural resources in this region? What are the patterns of precipitation in this region? Where does the population live? W

What are the most important natural resources in this region? What are the patterns of precipitation in this region?
Where does the population live? What are the important rivers in this region?

What is the ecological trilogy? Give examples.
What is spatial diffusion? How did Islam diffuse? What are the ‘Pillars of Islam’? Who was Muhammad?
What is the difference between relocation diffusion and expansion diffusion?

What is the sacred text of the Islamic faith? Where is Mecca? Why is significant?
What are the different forms of Islam? Where are these different forms located?
Who is SayyidQutub? What is an Islamist? What is Jihad? What is a theocratic society?

What is a stateless nation? Provide an example. What geographic factors contribute to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict?
Where do the Palestinian people live? Where is Jerusalem? Why is it significant? What are the ‘Occupied Territories’?
Why is this region of strategic importance? What are choke points? Where are they found in the region?
South Asia

How is rural to urban migration affecting South Asia?
Where is the Thar Desert? Where are the Himalayas and the Tibetan Plateau and why are they important?
What is a monsoon climate? How is the monsoon developed?
How big is India (population)? What is RNI?

What is doubling time? What is the dependency ratio? What is a population
pyramid (age-sex diagram)? What does the shape of population pyramids tell about a population?
What are the three major rivers in South Asia? Why are they important?
Why is Ganga Ma sick? How does this situation affect people?
What are the two dominate climates types in South Asia? Define them. What is significant about Cheerapunji?
Why is South Asia called the subcontinent? What are the main natural hazards in South Asia?

Who was Shah Jahan? Why is he important? What is the partition of India? Why was it significant?
Where is Kashmir? Why is it significant? What is the line of control?
What are the major religions of South Asia? What is the caste system?
What and where was the Mughal Empire? Why is it important?
What is the Grameen Bank? What is microcredit?
What car is considered the world’s most inexpensive?

Who makes it? Where is it made? Why is it being manufactured?
Who is Gandhi? What is the Raj?
Why are tigers on the decline in Asia?
Australia & Oceania
What is biogeography? What is the difference between native, endemic, and exotic species?

What is the cause of the decline of Guam’s native birds? What is significant about the brown tree snake?
How do animals adapt to life on isolated islands? Be able to give examples.
Why is Hawaii considered the extinction capital of the world?
What is the Wallace line? What are marsupials? What is the Outback”?

How did Australia control its rabbit populations? What is the rabbit-proof fence?
What vegetation patterns dominate in Australia and New Zealand? What landform types dominate in Australia and New Zealand?
What landuse patterns dominate in Australia and New Zealand?
What is the most serious threat to Australia and New Zealand’s indigenous plant and animal species?

What are the major environmental problems/issues in Australia/Oceania?
What economic activities are dominate in Australia and New Zealand?
What are the common characteristics between Australia and New Zealand?
What was White Australia Policy? What is the Native Title Bill? Who are the Aboriginals and the Maoris?
What are the trade patterns of Australia & New Zealand?