What are the main causes of stress at work?

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What are the main causes of stress at work?

What are the main causes of stress at work?
Order Description
The Final ESSAY (2nd piece of assessment worth 70%)

Final Essay length (excluding references and bibliography):1500 words (+/- 10%) You must keep your work within the word limit or penalties apply. Please note that you should make reference to reading you have done when answering the questions.

Choose ONE of the following questions to answer:

What are the main causes of stress at work? Discuss the implications of these causes of stress on both the individual and the organisation, and consider organisational and individual interventions which can be used to manage work-related stress.
In your opinion discuss which TWO motivational theories are most important to managers for motivating employees? Discuss how the key ideas/knowledge of each of these motivation theories can help managers and the drawbacks of each theory which need consideration.
Discuss to what extent the principles of scientific management are still relevant in modern day organisations and their importance to the development of contemporary organisations. Support your answer with examples to demonstrate how scientific management has shaped current practices in contemporary organisations.
Choose ONE of the four themes of the module (social process of joining an organisation, work and private life, identity and negotiating differences and constraints and creativity). Discuss the importance of this theme for individuals in the organisation, using TWO of the lecture topics to illustrate your argument.

Final Essay: Assessment Guidance and Assessment Criteria:

An essay of 1500 words (excluding reference list at end).

Assessment criteria for the final essay are:

Focus on question set;
Quality of argument and analysis
The depth and extent of your knowledge of relevant concepts, writers and ideas;

The depth and extent of your knowledge of relevant reading and research;
originality in discussion and analysis.
ability to write clearly in a recognised academic style, which is suitable for essay writing,
ability to reference appropriately.

The assessment criteria above mean in simple terms that you must show you have knowledge of what has been taught on the module, and that you can use this to answer a question in an informed and structured way, presenting arguments in a clear and logical academic way and using relevant literature/research.

Grading indication for final essay (worth 70% of module mark)

70+ Most of the following: Clear evidence of independent and original thinking in arguments and analysis; evidence of wide or in-depth reading/research to support points made; wide or deep understanding of relevant concepts, writers and ideas; mastery of academic style; fluently written and very well-argued essay.

60+ Most of the following: Clear focus on question set and a well-written answer in clear English; Selective and appropriate use of research or reading material, correctly referenced; Very good identification of, and ability to apply appropriate concepts and theories to case studies and experiences.

50+ Most of the following: Mostly focused on question and evidence of an attempt at a logical essay structure; correctly referenced research material/reading used, relevant to the question set; identification of some of the concepts/writers and appropriate essay style. Descriptive rather than analytical, with ideas presented as unsupported opinions.

40+ Most of the following: Attempt to answer the question set but only partially focussed on question; disorganized in presentation of ideas. Little use of reference material and little evidence of reading; inadequate referencing. .

Failure (less than 40%) Two or more of the following: Lack of understanding of question set and/or material used; substantial errors and inadequate length, evidence of serious plagiarism; lack of any evidence of reading/understanding of concepts and ideas covered.