Order Descriptiondepends on the attached article , please apply the following questions and make it as a case study report with 0% plagiarism .* report format :1. The research Title What is the research title? How to do citation and referencing that research .2-ABSTRACT What are the key words in this KM research and their definition? What are the main parts of the abstract?.3-INTRODUCTION What is the research Problem? What is the research importance? .4. Review of Related Literature What are main definitions? What KM model(s) discussed in this research (Nonaka & Takeuchi for example) METHODOLOGY Are the samples described? Are data-gathering instruments appropriate? What are the KM IT tools and none IT techniques mentioned in this research?.5. RESULTS What are the main results .6. Conclusions d. Are the findings and conclusions justified by the data presented and analysed?7.References
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