Prasai, S. (2014.) IN ASIA. Real-World Problems of South Asian Integration. Retrieved From:, S. (2012.) Biola. What are the Key Differences between Mormonism and Christianity? Retrieved From:, D. (2012.) Trade and Globalization. An Introduction to Regional Trade Agreements.Second Student- Joshua KepartThere are four distinct elements that make Asian RTAs differ from RTAs from other regions of the world. Author David Lynch (2010, p. 129) briefly introduces these four elements. First, Asian RTAs tend to be less formalized and less institutionalized. Second, instead of leading economic integration, Asian RTAs follow economic integration. Third, trade cooperation is not as obvious as monetary cooperation. Fourth and finally, the largest traders of the region are split over their vision toward regional RTAs. The purpose of this post is to examine two of the four distinctions mentioned by Lynch.First, China is one of the major players in the Asian region. In fact, China possesses the worlds second largest economy and is the largest importer and exporter in Asia (Yu, 2011, p. 611). Therefore, the decisions made by China when it comes to RTA activity can send ripple effects throughout the region. In addition, China has been one of the major initiators of bilateral agreements. Some of their bilateral free trade agreements have included countries like Chile, Peru, and Costa Rica (Yu, 2011, pp. 616-617). However, not every neighboring Asian country is excited about these agreements. The argument, from these opposing nations, is that China is making