What are the challenges for Speech-Language Pathologists and what are the expectations?

Discuss the issue of scarce resources— supply shortage, anticipated retirement, leadership succession, generational preferences, and so forth—and
March 17, 2020
Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)
March 17, 2020

What are the challenges for Speech-Language Pathologists and what are the expectations?

Response-to-Intervention is a framework for ensuring that struggling learners receive assistance. The purpose of this essay is to investigate the current thinking about the role of Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) in RtI: Response-to-Intervention. The essay must answer the following questions:
1). What was learned in the investigation.
2).What are the commonalities in these documents/articles?
3). What are the challenges for Speech-Language Pathologists and what are the expectations?
The intention of this essay is to reflect on the SLP’s role in RtI
In order to do so, only use the following websites (that are given in this submission/order) and review the information contained in these articles. A total of 7 reference


Judy Rudebusch and JoAnn Wiechman 8/30/13 ASHA Leader http://www.asha.org/Publications/leader/2011/110830/How-to-Fit-Response-to-Intervention-Into-a-Heavy-Workload.htm
Ehren, B. J. (2009, May 05). Response-to-Intervention : SLPs as Linchpins in Secondary Schools. The ASHA Leader




