West Virginia University Infractions Review

Individual Analysis and Reflection
June 23, 2020
PA Report
June 23, 2020

West Virginia University Infractions Review

West Virginia University Infractions Review

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West Virginia University Infractions Review
Review the NCAA decision regarding West Virginia University (WVU) infractions (NCAA, 2015). WVU was disciplined by the NCAA for recruiting violations, most of which the university claims were inadvertent and accidental. In fact, a compliance software program was allegedly responsible for some of the problems. The determination of the advantage the university may have gained, according to the panel, illustrates a remarkable gray area. The report states, “The panel determined that the institution gained more than a minimal, but less than a substantial or extensive recruiting advantage”. For your assignment this week, draft an argument, no more than one page, taking the position that this language either is, or is not, sufficient enough to create a measurable outcome that can be used in future cases.
Support your statements with evidence from the Required Studies and your research. Cite and reference your sources in APA style.
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NCAA. (2015). West Virginia University public infractions decision. Retrieved from https://www.ncaa.org/sites/default/files/West%20Virginia%20Public%20Inf%20Decision.pdf