Application Exercise
March 30, 2020
The Rocky Mountains Range
March 30, 2020

Week 6 Discussion

Humantities Homework

“Tchaikovsky” write one paragraph per part with a minimum of 125 words for each part of the discussion.

There are three parts to the discussion:

(1) Describe one composition by Tchaikovsky that you enjoy.  Describe the music and subject matter of that work, and explain why you enjoy it.

(2) Explain the key reasons why you believe that compositions by Tchaikovsky continue to be popular with contemporary orchestras and audiences.

(3) Give examples: Passionate nationalism, like Tchaikovsky’s for Russia, could be a feature of Romantic Art and music and in the arts of the late 1800s.  Give primary examples of music today (besides national anthems) that is  characterized by nationalism.