Week 4 portion of research paper

Discuss the various ways that health information is used within and without health care facilities.
October 11, 2020
What is this thing called photography
October 11, 2020

Week 4 portion of research paper

Topic: Week 4 portion of research paper

Description: [?]

Preferred language style: English (U.S.)

Please focus research paper on Customs and Border Protection. Border
Security section only!

Use these websites:
www.cbp.gov and focus only on Border Security for this entire paper
www.dhs.gov (science and technology directorate)Include information
from the Border Security section only and include information from
Protecting America and Laws and Regulations tabs

Examine the elements of Custom and Border Protection

Explore how information technology (IT) contributes to the making of
Customs Border Protection

Examine the role of information technology as a strategic capability
and prepare a list of recommendations for information technology to
use to make CBP a better organization.