Final paper
May 28, 2020
Array Manipulation
May 28, 2020

website Audit

website Audit

see the Book References and other referencesto getthe idea of the topic in the above attachments€¦
Total Words
Limit around 2500 words but for all 9 topics you need to have 1 €“ 2 screenshots as Well which is mandatory:
Order is for 10 pages of
2500 words but when you add screen shot’s for each topic will increased 22 €“ 25 pages€¦
Situation Analysis and W eb site audit of below
company selected.
Handbags: Gucci, Mimco, Chanel, Oreton
We have chosen Handbag Brand,the reference company or Main company is Gucci
and the competitors Brands are
LouIs Vurtton
Below are the key are asto be taken into consideration and see the
Appendix.1 for more detail below:
Note: The first 3 topics should be submitted by atleast 12th Oct 14.
each points we need to focus on
Gucci and comp are it with the three other brands which is Chanel, Prada,LV
This is an individual assignment
The sItuatIon analysIs
exploresthe industry specific issues and identifiesthe major competitors (online and off -line),the characteristics ofthe target markets
and their online engagement, regulatory issues and global factors and a discussion of the business model that has been use d. You will be
ilu’dged on the quality of your research, using a v ariety of sources (journals, magazines, reports and databases and Websites).

opportunity exists to showthe draft of your situation analysisto yourtutor during the tutorial in Week 10. Bythistime it should also
become apparent if there are any
team problems emerging.
Website Audit
Based on your situation analysis each team member will now
compare 1 company to
the reference company’.
See guideline appende 1,the sItuatIon analysIsforms part of the report. One of the
companies should be constant. You are to compare these sites (and other online
activities) with those of their closest competitors. You
need to document your findings.
With screenshots ( you Wlll practice thIs In the tutorials).
Note there will be a lot of screenshots (Per
topic atleast1-o2screenoshoots should be there). Each studentwill compare the reference company with one (1) other company. The task is
then to streamline the fIndIngs Into a cohesive report that Is Well referenced.
5. Oral presentation
Oral presentation: should be no
longerthan 15 minutes per team. The tutor Wlll stop the presentation at exactly 15 minutes and you Wlll be Judged on What you have
presented in that time frame- so you need to practice your presentation in orderto stay Within the limit. All PoWerPoints used need to be
posted on MOODLE by Monday Week 12. If you do not submit on time, you will loose 1 mark out of the 10 marks per day. The order of
presentations will be by chance, you need to be prepared to
present In Week 12.
You should support your presentations by using
screenshotsofthe relevantWebsites and clearly markthe relevant elementsthat you are addressing. It is advisable to use those elements
that are dIstInctIve- you don’t have tIme to cover ev erythrng! The audience Wlll provrde constructrv e feedback on the
Students need to provide feedback on the presentations and 2 marks out of the 10 marks for tutorial participation are
allocated for this task.
Sf Text-matching software
All assignments will be submitted to Urkund.
Appendix 1
Details on the Web
The assignmentwill compare the Websites of your chosen company with others in theirfield from Australia and abroad.
Issues you
should consider include:
The 13 C’s as presented in the lectures
Aportion of each workshop is dedicated to assist you in addressing
those issues, please work on your assignments during the semester so that We can discussthese issues during tutorials and
lecture s.
lssuesto be explored in the website audit( in yellow issuesforthe situation analysis)