Kindly prepare a WebQust as word document about any subjects that is appropriate (you have free to chose any subject to talk about)
This webquest should consist of the following pages:
1. WebQuest: The home page introduces your WebQuest. Here you introduce your
topic and activity, and provide some initial description.
2. Task: Describe the outcome or goal as well as defining specific roles and
responsibilities necessary to complete that task.
3. Resources: List the online and offline resources required to complete your task.
4. Process: Describe the process to complete the task in specific, detailed, steps. This is
a critical section of the assignment.
5. Evaluation: Explain the key performance indicators for measuring the success of
your project. How will your reader measure their level of achievement or mastery?
This is the most important, part of the assignment.
6. Conclusion: Summarize (recap) your WebQuest and provide closure on the project
by including significant, thoughtful reflections.