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Web Site Evaluation



The Research Process

For this required project, your task is to locate and evaluate a

Web site related to employment assistance. Follow these

steps to prepare your evaluation, making notes on your

search strategies and decisions as you go.

1. Choose a search engine and explain why you chose it.

Then describe your search strategy, such as the key words

you used to locate Web sites related to employment. You

might begin with information from a newspaper article,

a career center help sheet, or a commercial site selling

applicable software. Search for a site you haven’t used or

heard of that has more than one page and that contains

links to other employment-related Web sites.

Here are topic suggestions for beginning your search:

• Preparing for a job interview

• Job placement providers

• Resume writing

• Steps to applying for a job

• Making a career change

2. Investigate at least four different sites before making

your choice. Explain why you discarded the three (and

include those sites) and why you picked the one site on

which you focus. The site you choose may be very good

or quite awful, but it should contain something that

piques your interest enough to make you want to write

about it. Perhaps it offers just the job-search information

you were looking for, or you found it to be one of

the most difficult sites you’ve ever navigated.

3. Evaluate and analyze your chosen site according to

the criteria given in the study unit for evaluating Web

sites and in the grading criteria that follow. The sample

evaluation of Penn Foster’s site provides a general idea

of the areas to cover and the way to evaluate those areas.


Your evaluation, however, must include more specific

information and personal commentary. Ask yourself

questions about each aspect covered in the study unit.

For example, is the site current? Is the page layout

effective? What features does it include?

4. As you write your evaluation, use the pronoun

describe your experiences searching for and using the

site. At the end, in one paragraph, you’ll summarize

your evaluation by expressing your overall opinions of

the site and the reasons you feel that way. Arrange

your findings and analysis according to the following


Web site address (URL) and complete name

Search Strategy

Sponsor and Purpose

Content and Page Layout/Features

Overall Evaluation

5. After preparing a rough draft of your work, read the

evaluation criteria once again and revise your work

carefully, correcting any errors you may find. Make

sure to spell-check and grammar-check your work,

too. You must use the correct conventions of standard

written American English.

6. Type your evaluation in Times New Roman, font size 12.

Double-space your pages (the option is usually found on

the toolbar or in the Format/Paragraph menu of your

word processor). Indent the first line of new paragraphs

but don’t skip additional lines beyond the automatic


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