Introduction: In addition to mainstream economic web sites which are based on scarcity I
have also included some conspiracy and abundance theories web sites to give you a
better understanding of how economics work in real world and why it does not work
sometimes. Symbolically there are two economic models, teams or agendas.
One is evolving-human economic model or team based on Abundance, Creational Laws &
Directives, & evolution of economic systems based on truth, self-responsibility and natural
level of population, where the Constitutional money is created by the representatives of the
people not by private central bankers.
The other is Degenerate economic model or team of invisible/shadow government based
on Scarcity, genetic manipulation, secret societies/Illuminati agendas of International Bankers, Committee of 300 , Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign
Relations (CFR), Trilateral Commission (TC), Fee Masons, Skull and Bones, mind control,
overpopulation, barbarians with technology going to New World Order by creating &
supporting both sides in a conflict.
People, companies & nations will choose which team they want to be on.
What you need to do:
This assignment is worth 100 points.25 points per web site. Visit all four web sites, read
economics articles, watch economics videos, and write at least one typed double spaced
page about the articles you read and/or videos you watched per website, and submit all of
them on one paper through Cuyamaca College Blackboard SafeAssign.
Points will be deducted if you copy. SafeAssign will check for plagiarism, and if more than
5% to 10% of your paper is plagiarized then points will be deducted.
Points will be deducted if two people claim to study together and submit the same or
similar papers.
The Web-based Project Assignment is a minimum of four double spaced printed pages.
You must include a cover page with your information on it, name, class…….
The font to use for your paper is Arial 12, and use Microsoft Word.
Web Activity: Who should create and control the Money? The
Government through U.S. Treasury, the Market through banks,
or the Central Bank The Federal Reserve.
Directions: Topics of the term paper starts from here.
1- This topic is 25 points
Review the site: American Monetary Institute
about the Lost Science of Money by Stephen Zarlenga. Read a few articles,
and also the article by Congressman Dennis Kucinich about Monetary
Reform Bill HR 2990
uploads/2012/08/HR-2990_KucinichVideos.pdf . Also watch videos
by Stephen Zarlenga and photos.
2- This topic is 25 points
Review the site: Austrian School of Economics about Ludwig von Mises . Read a few articles and also Congressman Ron Paul
views about how the money should be controlled and issued ,and capitalism . Also watch videos and photos.
3- This topic is 25 points
Review the site: Federal Reserve System .
Read the history of the Fed and a few articles by the Fed’s economists,
Board of Governors and also by Fed’s chairman Janet Yellen. Monetary
Policy > Reports > Beige Book. Also watch videos and photos.
The above three are the most dominant monetary school of thoughts.
– Define the objectives of the three, such as who creates the money, who
controls the money. What kind of money do they use, such as paper
money, precious metals?
– What remedies each have to find cures for a recession, inflation, and deal
with the national debt?
4- This topic is 25 points
Billy Meier exposing the origins of the secret societies:
Creator Overlords
This website and report are for the students who have done research on other
assigned websites which exposes secret societies and their economic agenda,
and have progressed to the level who want to learn about Creational Laws and
Directives and build a futuristic economic model.
For introductory economics recommend reading contact reports 6, 7 and 9 at the
follwoing web site.
Creational Laws and Directives.
This is an optional documentary video:
You could also include your opinion about the web sites.
Rubrics: Students will be graded on the quality of their research, understanding of the
materials, writing in detail, and the presentation on their paper.
Minimum of four typed full pages, one typed double-spaced full page with 1 inch
margins per section, use Microsoft Word to write your paper, attach your file which
should include all web sites in SafeAssign and submit it by Cuyamaca College
No paper will be accepted by email, all assignments must go through
SafeAssign. If you did not meet the deadline you can submit your paper the following
week for 80% of total points you receive.
Extra Credit of 15 points, minimum of one typed full page:
You can do only one of the followings as extra credit, and you can
only choose another one instead of one of the four above:
1- Web of Debt by Ellen Brown
For the students who are interested to learn more about monetary issues
they can also review the web site Web of
Debt by Ellen Brown. Read part of her book and some of her articles at . Also watch videos.
2- Chief Economist John Perkins
Review the site: about the Confessions of an Economic
Hit Man by Chief Economist John Perkins. Read a few articles, and also watch
This is a video by John Perkins on Confessions of an Economic Hitman.
This is another video by John Perkins on Confessions of an Economic Hitman.
This is a caption available video by John Perkins on The Secret History of the
American Empire.
Economic Hitman Cartoon. .
3- Researcher and Writer David Icke, Eustace Mullins, and
economist Dr. Antony Sutton
You may want to read some of his acticles in the Research Archive
exposing Secret Societies, Illuminati, Reptilian Agenda, New World Order
or some of the other articles.
This is a video by David Icke on World Banking.
This is a video by Eustace Mullins on the Secrets of the Federal Reserve
and Sherman Antitrust
This video is by professor of economics Dr. Antony Sutton exposing secret
societies who create wars by supporting and funding both sides.
This is a video by David Icke exposing Secret
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Posted on May 12, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions