Review and compare, in detail and with the aid of sketches and diagrams, two different processes available for the large-scale treatment of sewage water. Analyse advantages and disadvantages associated with each design option and select one which would be best suited to serve a large residential area of approximately 750 000 people with a moderately large light industrial area. The resultant effluent should be of sufficient quality to permit safe discharge to sea or to a river.
Description two accepted processes Research on the web or visit local sewage treatment facilities (example Water Corporation in Perth). Describe 2 different options such as activated sludge, biological filter beds or pond/lagoon systems. Refer to advantages and disadvantages of each method.
Compare differences in design Differentiate between the systems.
Distinguish between operational and design issues (advantages and disadvantages). Contrast systems and make a decision about the most appropriate system based upon population size and availability of land, water and discharge points etc.
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Posted on May 12, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Question