Watching the Detectives Custom Essay

Week 3 Review post 2 minimum of 150 words apa format
March 15, 2020
mobile communication
March 15, 2020

Watching the Detectives Custom Essay

Watching the Detectives Chinatown (1974) is one of the most well known detective and modern thriller whose screenplay is written by Robert Towne. It shows a mystical element leaving one in suspense on an imagery poster with its feature based in the 1940s and craving to see the actual movie. The detective has his back facing the viewers and his face away from the audience, puffing on a cigarette whose fumes form a female face. From only the posters we can clearly state that tell the mood, and symbolism of the film is one which will keep the viewers tightly glued to their seats it is a mix of romance, apprehension and high skill of detective elements (Pulver, 2010).