criminal law
August 23, 2020
Macro and Microeconomic Concepts in a Global Context
August 23, 2020

W3 Assignment 1

W3 Assignment 1

Order Description
Many sources exist that are triggers for theory development through the study of concepts and their related propositions. One such trigger is the research process, which, while it answers many questions, generates others based on research outcomes. Identify some possible questions for research study, the answers to which would serve to generate theory.

Grading Criteria Maximum Points
Discussion Question Responses: Displays an understanding of the course materials and the underlying concept discussed. Includes course materials and additional scholarly resources to support important points. 15
Participation Responses: Displays an understanding of topic under discussion by affirming statements, asking a related question, or making an oppositional statement. Position must be supported with related evidence. Responds to a minimum of two peers per question. 10
Professional Practice Connection: Demonstrates reflective thought pertaining to personal perspectives and professional development. Reflective statements include a theoretical rationale. 10
Quality of Academic Writing: Written responses are free of grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. Citations and references are included and written in the correct APA Style. 10
Total: 45