Vulnerability modeling and analysis for critical infrastructure protection applications.

Ethan Frome Character Analysis
May 26, 2020
Topic: Shopping Tourism in Newcastle
May 26, 2020

Vulnerability modeling and analysis for critical infrastructure protection applications.

Order Description

1.Give the full citation of the journal article listed below and attached.
2.Summarize the key points and findings in the article.
3.Discuss the relationship of the article to course material, and if applicable, how it relates to criminal justice components.
4.Analyze the article from your own viewpoint.

€¢ What are your thoughts and opinions?
€¢ How can you support your views with course materials as well as outside materials?
€¢ What questions does the article raise that you would like to explore further?
5. Use APA proper in-text citations (page numbers).

Use these two references plus one additional:
Article: Marrone, S., Nardone, R., Tedesco, A., D’Amore, P., Vittorini, V., Setola, R., & €¦ Mazzocca, N. (2013). Vulnerability modeling and analysis for critical infrastructure protection applications. International Journal On Critical Infrastructure Protection, 6(3/4), 217. doi:10.1016/j.ijcip.2013.10.001

Lewis, T. G. (2006). Critical infrastructure protection in homeland security: Defending a networked nation. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.