Visualisation and Animation Technology

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Visualisation and Animation Technology

A 3D Animated Legoland

This Assignment assesses the following module Learning Outcomes:
– Evaluate appropriate data structures and algorithms used to represent and render realistic 3-dimensional scenes €“ Use an appropriate high-level language and API to create and manipulate images of 3- dimensional objects  €“ Create a simple, interactive, virtual reality environment using a modelling language such as VRML
Assignment Brief :
Use VRML to design and create animated 3D Legoland scenes, with the following functional requirements:  €“ Minimum 4 Legoland objects to be built and animated with the use of primitive shapes, lines, faces and extrusion techniques.   €“ Minimum 3 different types of interpolators to be applied for the animations €“ Minimum 3 different types of user interactions to be implemented €“ Animations should be realistic movements  €“ Use of colours, textures are compulsory
Submission Requirements:
Online submission through StudyNet to include: €“ 3-page report on description and discussion of different stages of your work, plus no more than 3 pages for reference, name your report as LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME_STUDENTID.pdf ; €“ Your final VRML program, name your program as LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME_STUDENTID.wrl ; €“ Any inline files and any other supplementary images or data
This assignment is worth 30% of the overall grade for this module.
Marks Awarded for:
– 60% Programming: A working VRML code which meets the functional requirements stated in the Assignment Aims. No other programming languages or software are allowed to be used in this assignment. Inclusion of chunks of non-understandable and nonworking code will be penalised heavily by deducting 20% of the mark that you will get. €“ 30% Report: Original and concise description and discussion of the work done. €“ 10% Progress Check: There will be a check of your progress in doing this assignment at the beginning of Semester B.
A note to the Students:
1. For undergraduate modules, a score above 40% represent a pass performance at honours level.
2. For postgraduate modules, a score of 50% or above represents a pass mark.
3. Modules may have several components of assessment and may require a pass in all elements. For further details, please consult the relevant Module Guide or ask the Module Leader.
UNIVERSITY OF HERTFORDSHIRE School of Engineering and Technology
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