Marketing opportunities and challenges that new communication technologies
October 23, 2020
Comparative Analysis
October 23, 2020

virtulisation 2

Assignment 2

Value: 20%

Due date: 15-May-2014

Return date: 04-Jun-2014

Submission method options

Alternative submission method


Question 1: The management of your employer wants to find out about desktop Virtualisation and how it works. They think that there may be some advantage to the organisation from adopting some of these desktop Virtualisation technologies.

You have been asked to provide a two three (2-3) page report that describes the differences between the difference desktop Virtualisation technologies that are now available. Your report should briefly outline how each Virtualisation technology works and indicate the circumstances where the use of each type of technology would be appropriate. Your report should be supported by references to academic and/or practitioner literature in APA 6th edition format.  See first three topics in marking rubric for marks allocation related to this question. (40 Marks)

Question 2: An affiliated company of your employer has approximately 2000 users who work on Windows XP workstations. Management wishes to upgrade the operating system to Windows 7 without refreshing and updating its desktop fleet. Describe which Virtualisation technology would be better choice for virtualising this fleet of workstations. Your report should not exceed two three (2 3) pages and should address the following questions. (60 Marks)

1. Describe your reasoning for choosing the Virtualisation technology. (20 Marks)

2. What advantages this technology gives you in this scenario? (15 Marks)

3. What are the disadvantages/limitations of this technology? (15 Marks)

4. Which vendor would you recommend for this and why? (10 Marks)


This assessment will allow you to demonstrate your understanding of:

  • desktop Virtualisation technologies for Windows and UNIX based platforms;
  • the implementation requirement for desktop based Virtualisation on a Windows platform; and
  • to demonstrate the ability to planning a Virtualisation Infrastructure.

Marking criteria

Marking Criteria

The following rubric will be used while assessing each question of your report.







Identifying different Virtualisation technologies

10 Marks)

A high distinction is awarded for providing a comprehensive explanation of all currently available Virtualisation technologies. A distinction is awarded for providing a highly detailed explanation of most of the currently available Virtualisation technologies. A credit is awarded for providing a thorough explanation of some different Virtualisation technologies. A pass is awarded for providing an adequate explanation of few different Virtualisation technologies. A fail is awarded for providing an incomplete/irrelevant explanation of the topic.
Describe how each technology works       (20 Marks) A high distinction is awarded for providing a comprehensive working description of all currently available Virtualisation technologies. A distinction is awarded for providing a highly detailed working description of most of the currently available Virtualisation technologies. A credit is awarded for providing a thorough working description of some currently available Virtualisation   technologies. A pass is awarded for providing an adequate working description of few currently available Virtualisation   technologies. A fail is awarded for either not providing or incomplete/incorrect working description.

Discuss the appropriate use of each technology in different organisation structures

10 Marks)

A high distinction is awarded for providing a comprehensive discussion on appropriate use of a particular currently available Virtualisation technology for an organisation. A distinction is awarded for providing a highly detailed discussion on appropriate use of a particular currently available Virtualisation technology for an organisation. A credit is awarded for providing a thorough discussion on appropriate use of a particular currently available Virtualisation technology for an organisation. A pass is awarded for providing an adequate discussion on appropriate use of a particular currently available Virtualisation technology for an organisation. A fail is awarded for not providing any/incomplete/incorrect discussion of the topic.

Description of reasons for choosing a particular desktop Virtualisation technology

20 Marks)

A high distinction is awarded for providing a comprehensive description of reasons for choosing a particular desktop virtualising technology. A distinction is awarded for providing a highly detailed description of reasons for choosing a particular desktop virtualising technology. A credit is awarded for providing a thorough description of reasons for choosing a particular desktop virtualising technology. A pass is awarded for providing an adequate description of reasons for choosing a particular desktop virtualising technology. A fail is awarded for not providing any reason, or providing incorrect/irrelevant reasons for choosing a particular desktop virtualising technology.

Advantages of chosen desktop Virtualisation technology

15 Marks)

A high distinction is awarded for providing a comprehensive list and discussion of advantages for choosing a particular desktop virtualising technology. A distinction is awarded for providing a highly detailed list and discussion of advantages for choosing a particular desktop virtualising technology. A credit is awarded for providing a thorough discussion of advantages for choosing a particular desktop virtualising technology. A pass is awarded for providing an adequate discussion of advantages for choosing a particular desktop virtualising technology. A fail is awarded for not providing any reason, or incorrect/incomplete discussion of advantages.

Disadvantages/limitations of chosen desktop Virtualisation technology

15 Marks)

A high distinction is awarded for providing a comprehensive list and discussion of disadvantages for choosing a particular desktop virtualising technology. A distinction is awarded for providing a highly detailed list and discussion of disadvantages for choosing a particular desktop virtualising technology. A credit is awarded for providing a thorough discussion of disadvantages for choosing a particular desktop virtualising technology. A pass is awarded for providing an adequate discussion of disadvantages for choosing a particular desktop virtualising technology. A fail is awarded for not providing any reason, or incorrect/incomplete discussion of disadvantages.

Reasons for recommending a particular vendor for the chosen Virtualisation technology

10 Marks)

A high distinction is awarded for providing a comprehensive description of reasons for choosing a particular vendor for a desktop virtualising technology. A distinction is awarded for providing a highly detailed description of reasons for choosing a particular vendor for a desktop virtualising technology. A credit is awarded for providing a thorough description of reasons for choosing a particular vendor for a desktop virtualising technology. A pass is awarded for providing an adequate description of reasons for choosing a particular vendor for a desktop virtualising technology. A fail is awarded for not providing any description, or reasons for choosing a particular vendor for a desktop virtualising technology.

Presentation, grammar and spelling

5 Marks)

Marks will be deducted for poor presentation, spelling and grammar mistakes.

Note please follow the given report format in Subject Outline for this assessment.

APA Referencing

5 Marks)

Marks will be deducted for not providing / following the proper APA style referencing.

Note that the guide for APA referencing is provided in the 
Resource section of Interact site.


Report Format/Presentation

The report should be submitted as MS Word or pdf document. Please do not submit *.zip or *.rar or any other format and also do not submit multiple copies of the report. Please use A4 page size with Times New Roman font of size 12. Following should be included as minimum requirements for the report structure.

Title of Report

This section should have proper title of the report.

Student Name and Student ID

This section should contain your name and your student ID.

Student Email Contact

Provide your Email address under this section.

Executive Summary or Abstract

This section provides a brief overview of the scenario, reasoning/findings and concluding remarks on your findings.


Background, types of Virtualisation technologies, advantages and limitations of Virtualisation technologies etc.


Scenario where a virtual technology can be used, advantages and disadvantages of the use of that technology, reasons for recommending a virtual technology for an organisation.


Summary of the report and recommendations


You must cite references using APA referencing style to all material you have used as sources for the content of your work.

Glossary (optional)

A glossary should assist the reader in understanding any technical terms used in the report. Use a generally accepted source for the definition of the terms and include appropriate referencing.


Online submission via Turnitin is required for this assignment.


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