Violence, brutality, and the grotesque are things we might well want to expel from our human reality. But they are every bit as much expressions of th

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September 13, 2020

Violence, brutality, and the grotesque are things we might well want to expel from our human reality. But they are every bit as much expressions of th

In a well organized essay, respond to one of the following statements. You may agree or disagree ( or partially agree or disagree), but you must support your argument with evidences from the texts under discussion.. you may if you wish write a comparative essay, in which you compare two texts we have read.


1)      Violence, brutality, and the grotesque are things we might well want to expel from our human reality. But they are every bit as much expressions of the human as the qualities we cherish, such as love, faith, and understanding.


2)      Ethnic fiction carries with it a special burden, both for writers and readers. The fiction must function according to aesthetic rules and criteria. It must also however, serve a political function in relation to the minority group to which the author belongs.


3)      All fictions are ghost stories in the sense that they deal with unreal presences. Some texts, however, realize that trope more literally than others, with very definite consequences for our interpretations of the texts.



The list of the books that one should use are :

J.M Coetzee, The lives of animals

Diamond,Cavell, philosophy and animal life

J.M Coetzee, Disgrace

Jonathan leer, Radical Hope

Flannery O”Connor, Everything that rises must Converge

Toni Morrison, Beloved

Philip Roth, Nemesis

Maxine Hong Kingston, Woman Warrior

Nicole Krauss, Great House