World Politics
October 24, 2019
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November 10, 2019

Video Games

Video Games
The issue of playing video games has been discussed a lot in the recent future. Some people argue that the playing of video games is good and beneficial to the players while other totally disagree with this and do not support the video games. The playing of video games involves the interaction of an individual with a particular user interface and this leads to the generation of a feedback that is visual and is displayed on a video device. Although the issues and criticism of playing video games came up a in the 21st century, these games have been played since early 20th century (Pratchett 24). This paper aims at discussing the both the views of playing the video games and proving that playing the video games is beneficial to the individuals.

Arguments For
One of the major reasons why some people support the playing of video games is that they assist in the expansion of individuals’ intelligence. This is normally in the case of children whose brain is still growing. Also, some games such as Dance Revolution are advantageous to the kids as they enable them to exercise and have fun at the same time. The supporters of the video games also state that they help in the improvement of coordination and also serve to bring together many people which leads to the making of new friends (Gee 49).

Another major reason why some people support the video games is that they are relaxing and fun to play and also some games are considered to be educational as they are either based on situations which occur in individuals’ real life or are based on certain simulations. Lastly, the playing of video games is supported by some people as it ensures the growth of concentration power and also makes the participant’s mind to become sporty (Berger 60).


Arguments Against
The main argument brought forward by the people who are against the video games is that most of these games are expensive and they describe this as a waste of resources that could be used in better ways. The video games are also discouraged as a lot of time is wasted playing the games instead of undertaking constructive work or spending the time with one’s family. Video games are also criticized as they do not lead to the improvement of physical health of the player which is essential. This is because these games are played indoors and do not involve any sort of physical exercise which is important to ensure that one leads a healthy life.

Another argument against the video games is that they can lead to poor performance both in school and at workplace due to addictions which makes some people play the games for long periods of time (Waltke, 126). This could result in loss of employment and also expulsion from school due to the continued poor performance. Lastly, the continuous playing of the video games can lead to health problems such as the eye strain.

Personal Opinion and Conclusion
My opinion is that video games are beneficial/good to the society. This is because the games not only improve the player’s brain but also help in relaxing and is a source of fun for people at all ages. I believe that will proper time management, one can be able to play video games and also perform well in either school or work.

Works Cited
Berger, Author. Video Games: A Popular Culture Phenomenon, New Jersey, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 2002. Print.
Gee, James. What Video Games Have to Teach Us about Learning and Literacy, Basingstoke, U.K: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004. Print.
Pratchett, Rhianna. Video Games, Charlotte, NC:Baker & Taylor, 2009. Print.
Waltke, Taya. Video Games and Students: What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Video Games for the Youth of Our Nation? New York, NY: Springer, 2004. Print.

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