The advancement in the area of video game technology has led to the enhancement of the current video game platforms in terms of the complexity, graphics and quality of the video games. Video game programmers are adding aggression and violence features so that they can set standards to the constant changing in consumer needs and tastes. However, the addition of aggression and violence in the video games has led to a lot of debate on the effects of these violence games on the behavior of the individual. People ask whether playing video games can be linked to the real act of violence. The paper seeks to find out whether playing video games can be connected with the actual act of violence.
Issues of violence among the youth have been reported especially in schools where students play video games. Two senior students in Columbine High School opened fire to their schoolmates, and they shot several of them before killing themselves in 1999 (Anderson, 2004). It was a shocking event that led to nationwide scare since shooting in schools was on the rise. It was reported that twelve students and one teacher died in this incidence. This incidence led to a thorough investigation, and it was found out that the two students were avid video game players, and they liked playing violent ones. According to the experts, these students wanted to actualize what they saw in the video games.
Research has proved that playing video games is addictive.he strong urge to play the game (Gentile &Anderson, 2003). Thus, these video games become part and parcel of their lives. In this circumstance, the person’s behavior is impacted by the video games. These persons attempt to emulate the acts of violence they on the games. This emulation is particularly evident in children. Children tend to mimic most of what they see with their eyes. A lot of their learning takes place by practicing what they observe (Anderson, 2004). Eventually, the aggression and violence observed in the video games influences their behavior negatively.
Experts agree that children are affected and influenced by the media such as video games and cartoons. Many advertisers have successfully applied this concept in the marketing of the children’s items especially toys (Sherry, 2001). Marketers engage in extensive research before employing any marketing strategy. on the behavior of the children (Sherry, 2001). Therefore, if marketers can influence children to like a certain product advertised through the television, it is very logical to have the same effects observed in the video games.
Cases of violence have been witnessed especially in the institutions of learning. In one case, two senior students from a high school killed twelve students and one teacher. After investigation, it was found out that these two students liked playing violent video games. Experts have proved that playing video games is addictive especially the violent ones. Eventually, the aggression and violence observed in these video games influences the behavior of the players negatively. Experts have also shown that children are influenced by the media such as cartoons and video games and marketers use this strategy to influence them into buying their products such as toys. From the discussion in this essay, it is clear that playing violent video games is connected to the actual acts of violence.
Anderson, C. A. (2004). An update on the effects of playing violent video games. Journal of Adolescence, 27(1), 113-122.
Gentile, D. A., & Anderson, C. A. (2003). Violent video games: The newest media violence hazard. Media violence and children, 131-152.
Sherry, J. L. (2001). The effects of violent video games on aggression. Human communication research, 27(3), 409-431.