value of qualitative research
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You don’t need to make a cover page. Please just write your response to this question in 250 words. I am just very tide with my other course work. Thanks
Please read the below post from my classmate and write 250 words in response to it if you agree or not and why?
I don’t need a cover page or header. just a simple text in APA format. Thanks
Qualitative research has often been questioned for its validity and research soundness among researchers. It is much easier to see the numbers reflect an overall
theme, so to “prove” the outcomes. This quantitative approach is very much accepted and considered “the” method to conduct research. Still there are times when studies
don’t require a quantitative approach and can be much better achieved through a qualitative approach. Qualitative research is based on subjective, interpretive and
contextual data, whereas quantitative research attempts to control and/or exclude those elements. Qualitative research takes the view of the participant into
consideration; researcher is close to the social reality and the gap between reality and representation is reduced; it attempts to generate theory with its inductive
logic; takes the social reality as a process; it is unstructured and pays a great deal to understanding the context therefore it offers detailed data that is rich in
depth; further it is micro and seeks meaning of the researched in their natural setting. Therefore with a thorough, well planned qualitative research like the one
presented in this module, that succeeds in its transferability, credibility, confirmability, dependability and authenticity, I believe that qualitative research is
just as important and valid as quantitative research. By achieving each of these elements of qualitative research, it allows the study to prove rigorousness in the
design process and its reliability of data.
Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2014). Trustworthiness and integrity in qualitative research. In Essentials of nursing research-Appraising evidence for nursing practice
(8th ed., pp. 322-324). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.