After introductionBRIEF SUMMARY.Look at the introduction and conclusion.
Pick out the structure of the reading.
The text breaks down to X amount of parts.DO NOT TALK about what we already know! NO GOOD!PROVIDE AN OBJECTIVE JUDGEMENT
I think this is a good argument because X, Y, and ZThats all 1 page ^^^Now the rest of the 9 pages belowPick out what is important and what is not important. (Maybe 5 essential key parts of the argument)
Take it paragraph by paragraph.Does this interpretation make sense to you, do you agree, or do you have a better interpretation? Based the primary text. Refer to the primary text.More (iii): UtopiaPrimary texts More, Utopia, Appendix to edition containing ancillary materials, pp. 112-132ATTACHED: Secondary literature: Eric Nelson, Greek nonsense in Mores Utopia, in Nelson, The Greek Tradition in Republican Thought (Cambridge: CUP, 2004), pp. 19-48