Boston Tea Party
August 10, 2020
Genetic modification
August 11, 2020

Utopia Thomas More

After introductionBRIEF SUMMARY.Look at the introduction and conclusion.
Pick out the structure of the reading.
The text breaks down to X amount of parts.DO NOT TALK about what we already know! NO GOOD!PROVIDE AN OBJECTIVE JUDGEMENT
I think this is a good argument because X, Y, and ZThats all 1 page ^^^Now the rest of the 9 pages belowPick out what is important and what is not important. (Maybe 5 essential key parts of the argument)
Take it paragraph by paragraph.Does this interpretation make sense to you, do you agree, or do you have a better interpretation? Based the primary text. Refer to the primary text.More (iii): UtopiaPrimary texts More, Utopia, Appendix to edition containing ancillary materials, pp. 112-132ATTACHED: Secondary literature: Eric Nelson, Greek nonsense in Mores Utopia, in Nelson, The Greek Tradition in Republican Thought (Cambridge: CUP, 2004), pp. 19-48