Utopia, Is it only possible in a Socialistic Society?

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Utopia, Is it only possible in a Socialistic Society?

Utopia, Is it only possible in a Socialistic Society?

Project description
We are presenting our topic(s) for next week’s discussion. I will be presenting two sides to utopia. One that is based on Wright’s position and focuses on socialism. The other perspective considers utopia under the guise of capitalism.
Is it possible to attain utopia? If so, under what conditions is it posited to be achievable? Can it be accomplished (even thrive) in a capitalistic society? If so, what elements of capitalism would need to change? These are the questions we are asking and seeking the answers to. Below is our list of references (not expected to be all-inclusive) but is a representation the works we are utilizing to advance learning in the topics noted. We look forward to sharing our paper and power point with you by Sunday. Have a good rest of week.
Baudrillard, J. America after utopia. (2009). New Perspectives Quarterly, 96-99.
Baxter, J.E. (2012). The paradox of a capitalist utopia: visionary ideals and lived experience in the Pullman community. International Journal of History: Archaeology, 16, 651-665. Doi: 10.1007/s10761-012-0196-8.
Best, B, (2010). The problem of utopia: capitalism, depression, and representation. Canadian Journal of Communication, 35, 497-513.
Box, R.C. (2012). Progressive Utopias. Administrative Theory & Praxis, 34(1), 60-84.
Friedman, S. (2012). Democracy as an open-ended utopia: reviving a sense of uncoerced political possibility. Theorta, 1-21. doi: 10.3167/th.2012.5913001
Knabb, K. (2003). Utopia or bust. Politics, 11-16.
Sabia, D. Utopian visions of democracy. Contemporary justice review, 9(1), 81-101.
Schweikart, D. (2009). Is sustainable capitalism an oxymoron? Perspectives on global development and technology, 8, 559-580.
Wright, E.O. (2010). Envisioning real utopias. Verso, London