Utilize one of the philosophies of education onChanging Education Paradigmsand explain how that philosophy permeates into practice.

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August 9, 2020
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August 9, 2020

Utilize one of the philosophies of education onChanging Education Paradigmsand explain how that philosophy permeates into practice.

Paper details:How would you educate?What would a college or university of your designing look like?You must:
1.Utilize one of the philosophies of education we covered in class and explain how that philosophy permeates into practice.
2.Reference at least tow components from Sir Ken Robinsons RSA talk Changing Education Paradigms ( you can agree or disagree).
3.Incorporate at least two examples from your personal educational timeline.
4.Address the concepts of:
2)General Education;
3)Required Free Electives;
4)Where students live;