Using ultrasound for early breast cancer detection

Meaningful Use Discussion
June 9, 2020
June 9, 2020

Using ultrasound for early breast cancer detection

Using ultrasound for early breast cancer detection

Order Description

The following is written in the Uni web page (It may gives you an idea about the project):

Digital systems have been replacing film systems over the past 20 years, and in mammography Digital systems have replaced them. With new digital systems being introduced here comes the potential to use new digital image processing methodologies. One of these allows us to quantify breast density. The quantification can be used as a prognostic indicator for breast cancer. However this does not come without it’s risks. Mammography uses ionising radiation, which can be harmful to biological tissue and can in some cases induce breast cancer. Therefore, using radiation as a predictor of breast density could initiate cancer. Our research seeks to identify low dose or no dose methods of imaging and measuring breast density.

Additional Information
Students interested in this area of research should read some of the important research papers published on the issue below and should put together a 500 word research proposal indicating their interest in the topic and identifying some for the reading that they have undertaken.

Carney, P. A., Miglioretti, D. L., Yankaskas, B. C., Kerlikowske, K., Rosenberg, R., Rutter, C. M., Ballard-Barbash, R. (2003). Individual and Combined Effects of Age, Breast Density, and Hormone Replacement Therapy Use on the Accuracy of Screening Mammography. Annals of Internal Medicine, 138(3), 168-175.

Kolb, T. M., Lichy, J., & Newhouse, J. H. (2002). Comparison of the Performance of Screening Mammography, Physical Examination, and Breast US and Evaluation of Factors that Influence Them: An Analysis of 27,825 Patient Evaluations1. Radiology, 225(1), 165-175.

Mandelson, M. T., Oestreicher, N., Porter, P. L., White, D., Finder, C. A., Taplin, S. H., & White, E. (2000). Breast Density as a Predictor of Mammographic Detection: Comparison of Interval- and Screen-Detected Cancers. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 92(13), 1081-1087.

Pisano, E. D., Hendrick, R. E., Yaffe, M. J., Baum, J. K., Acharyya, S., Cormack, J. B., Gatsonis, C. A. (2008). Diagnostic Accuracy of Digital versus Film Mammography: Exploratory Analysis of Selected Population Subgroups in DMIST1. Radiology, 246(2), 376-383.