Using the adult immunization schedule, and Fluview, other resources within the CDC website, answer the following questions: 25 points total A. In what

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Using the adult immunization schedule, and Fluview, other resources within the CDC website, answer the following questions: 25 points total A. In what

Order DescriptionClinical Application Assignment #1
reading assignments for this week:Dunphy: pp 340-358, 367-378Kennedy-Malone: 192-220, 240-245For this assignment, you will explore the CDC website and also use the recommended Adult Vaccine Schedule, the Pink Book, and other resources within the website. The topics explored will include Pertussis, Influenza, and Pneumonia.
This is NOT an APA paper. Simply fill your answers on this document after the question. This assignment is due by June 8th.
1. Influenza: Using the adult immunization schedule, and Fluview, other resources within the CDC website, answer the following questions: 25 points totalA. In what month had the highest positive influenza tests reported to the CDC during the 2015-2106 flu season? For which strain (A or B)? (5)
B. What are the recommended components of the 2016-2017? (5)
a: trivalent vaccine?
b: quadrivalent influenza vaccines.C. How many reported hospitalizations occurred as a result of lab confirmed influenza infections in the 2015-16 influenza season? (5)D. Of these cases, how many were > to 65 years of age? (2)
E. List the available influenza vaccines (5)
F. What are the contraindications to administration of influenza vaccine? (3)2. The following questions will be in regard to Pertussis (25 points total)A. What is the incubation period for pertussis? (2)B. What are the 2 brand names of Tdap available in the US? What ages are each licensed for? (10)C. What are the ACIP recommendations for administration of Tdap in the following? (10)
Persons aged 11-18 years?
Adults aged 19 and up?
Pregnant women?D. What are the contraindications to administration of Tdap? (3)3. The following questions will be in regard to Pneumococcal vaccine (25 points)
A. How many serotypes of streptococcus pneumoniae are known to exist?(2)B. The major clinical syndromes of pneumococcal disease in include? (3)C. What adults should receive the PCV13 vaccine? (10)D. In June, 2015, the ACIP changed the recommended interval between PCV13 followed by PPSV23 to what time period? (3)E. Adults aged 19 years with immunocompromising conditions or anatomical or functional asplenia who have not received PCV13 or PPSV23 should receive: (5)F. If an adult > 65 years received a dose of PPSV23, they should receive a second dose True False (2)4. Answer the following questions (25 points)
A. The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is a means to report vaccine adverse reactions. What are healthcare providers required by law to report? (5)B. Investigate and list the required adolescent vaccines and number of dosesfor school entry for your state of residence (List the state). (5)C. Go to the following site: Find the morbidity and mortality weekly report for May 13, 2016. Complete the table below for both the United States and your state of residence. What is your interpretation? (15)Disease
Current Week
Previous 52 weeks
MaxUnited States
InfluenzaInvasive PneumococcalPertussisState of ResidenceInfluenzaInvasive PneumococcalPertussis
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